James Hutton-1788

"The result, therefore, of our present enquiry is, that we find no vestige of a beginning,–no prospect of an end."
James Hutton-1788


General References:

1.    Sam Boggs, Jr. Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Fourth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 2006.

2.    Jon P. Davidson, Walter E. Reed, Paul M. Davis. Exploring Earth. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 1997.

3.    George H. Davis, Stephen J. Reynolds. Structural Geology, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1996.

4.    Leo M. Hall. The Geology of the St. Johnsbury Quadrangle, Vermont and New Hampshire. Vermont Development Commission, Montpelier, Vermont, 1959.

5.    Robert J. Lille. Whole Earth Geophysics. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, 1999.

6.  John B. Lyons. Geology of the Hanover Quadrangle. New Hampshire    
     State Planning and Development Commission, Concord, NH, 1958.

    7.   V. R. Murthy. Bed Rock Geology of the East Barre Area, Vermont.
          Vermont Development Commission, Montpelier, Vermont, 1957. 

8.   Donald R. Prothero, Robert H. Dott, Jr. Evolution of the Earth,  
         Seventh Edition. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 10020, 2004. 
     9.  Chet Raymo, Maureen E. Raymo. Written in Stone. A Geologic History of the     
          Northeastern United States. The Globe Pequot Press, Chester, Connecticut.

     10. Bradford B. Van Diver. Roadside Geology of Vermont and New
          Hampshire. Mountain Press Publishing Company, Missoula, MT, 1987.

The Dartmouth Skiway [Mascoma Dome] and Velvet Rocks [Lebanon Dome]:

1.    Carleton A. Chapman [1939] Geology of the Mascoma Quadrangle, New Hampshire, Bull Geol Soc Am 50: 181-238.
2.    Jarvis B. Hadley [1942] Stratigraphy, Structure, and Petrology of the Mt. Cube Area, New Hampshire, Bull Geol Soc Am 53: 113-176.
3.    J. B. Lyons [1955] Geology of the Hanover Quadrangle, New Hampshire-Vermont, Bull Geol Soc Am 66: 105-146.
4.    Richard S. Naylor [1987] Mascoma Dome, New Hampshire: An Oliverian gneiss dome, Geol Soc Am Cent Field Guide—Northeastern Section, 1987: 243-246.
5.    Walter S. White, Marland P. Billings [1951] Geology of the Woodsville Quadrangle, Vermont-New Hampshire, Bull Geol Soc Am 62: 647-696.

Gile Mountain:

1.  John M. Ferry [1992] Regional metamorphism of the Waits River  
Formation, Eastern Vermont: delineation of a new type of giant                    metamorphic hydrothermal system, J Petrol 33: 45-94.
2.    George W. Fisher, Paul Karabinos [1980] Stratigraphic sequence of
The Gile Mountain and Waits River Formations near Royalton, Vermont, Geol Soc Am Bull I 91: 282-286.
3.  Jarvis B. Hadley. Geology of the Bradford-Thetford Area, Orange  
County, Vermont. Vermont Development Commission, Montpelier, Vermont, 1950
4.  Libby A Stern, C. Page Chamberlain, Daniel E. Barnett, John M.            
Ferry [1992] Stable isotope evidence for regional-scale fluid migration in a Barrovian metamorphic terrane, Vermont, USA, Contrib Mineral Petrol 112: 475-489. 

Mt. Ascutney:

1.  Frank H. Clark. Glimpses of Ascutney. The Opinion Press,
Bradford, Vermont, 1905.
2.    Reginald A. Daly [1903] Geology of Ascutney Mountain, Vermont, U. S. Geol Survey Bull 209: 1-122.
3.    G. Nelson Eby, J. Gregory McHone [1997] Plutonic and Hypabyssal intrusions of the Early Cretaceous Cuttingsville Complex, Vermont, In Crover, T. W., Mango, H. N. and Hasenohr, E. J. [eds] Guidebook to Field Trips in Vermont and Adjacent New Hampshire and New York. New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Castleton, Vermont, p B2/1-B2/17.
4.    K. A. Foland, Henry Faul [1997] Ages of the White Mountain Intrusives—New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine, USA, Am J Sci 277: 888-904.
5.    Sharon Harkay [ed]. Mount Ascutney Guide, 6th Edition. Ascutney Trails Association, Windsor, Vermont.
6.    Jill S. Schneiderman [1989] The Ascutney Mountain Breccia: Field and Petrologic evidence for an overlapping relationship between Vermont Sequence and New Hampshire Sequence rocks, Am J Sci 289: 771-811.
7.    Jill S. Schneiderman [1991] Petrology and mineral chemistry of the Ascutney Mountain igneous complex,Am Mineral 76: 218-229.

Mt. Cardigan:

1.    James G. Moore, Thomas W. [2008] Igneous phenocrystic origin of
K-feldspar megacrysts in granitic rocks from the Sierra Nevada
batholith, Geosphere 4: 387-400.  
2.    D. M. Kerrick, [1969] K-feldspar Megacrysts from a Porphyritic
Quartz Monzonite Central Sierra Nevada, California, American      Mineralogist 54: 839-848.
3.  Terry Plank, [1987] Magmatic garnets form the Cardigan pluton
     and the Acadian thermal event in southwest New Hampshire,
American Mineralogist 72: 681-688.